Trade Leads

Switch, Push Electrical and electronic equipment components NAICS Code: 334 -- Computer and Electronic Product Manufacturing/334419 -- Other Electronic Component Manufacturing Please review the NSN/item below and provide us with any sources that are able to manufacture the item. Please also provide the location of the manufacturer (City and state OR Country as applicable. Please also provide POCs for these manufacturers if available. Please submit this information to Brian Maxwell at FAX: (614) 693-1628. Telephone: (614) 692-1067. Thank you in advance for your assistance. NSN: 5930-00-622-7975, Switch, Push. This item is being procured in accordance with the part number listed below: ROCKWELL COLLINS ELECTROMECHANICAL (86831) P/N EMS-5003 HAMILTON SUNDSTRAND CORPORATION (73030) P/N 538278 Should a company wish to be reviewed and qualified as an "Approved Source", they may submit an application package through the DLA Land and Maritime Alternate Offer / Source Approval Request (SAR) Program. A SAR package contains all technical data needed to demonstrate that the prospective contractor can competently manufacture the product to the same level of quality or better than the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). The onus is on the contractor to document and demonstrate their product is equal to, or better, than the currently approved item which DLA Land and Maritime is procuring. Offerors should complete and submit their Alternate Offer (with SAR package) to the Contracting Officer listed in the Solicitation. For further information, please reference the DLA Land and Maritime web page at: Click on the highlight Alternate Offer/Source Approval Program for a detailed explanation for the information and format necessary for a SAR and for the SAR approval process. THIS ITEM MUST BE MANUFACTURED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LIMITED RIGHTS DATA LISTED. THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT PROVIDE THE DATA. ONLY THOSE VENDORS WHO HAVE ACCESS TO THE DATA SHOULD QUOTE. Please consult the list of document viewers if you cannot open a file. Market Survey Type: Other (Draft RFPs/RFIs, Responses to Questions, etc..) Posted Date: July 18, 2014 Market_Survey_SSNotice_Attachment_5930006227975.docx... (14.47 Kb) Description: Market Survey NSN 5930-00-622-7975, SPE7M8-14-R-0033 Contracting Office Address: P O Box 3990 Columbus, Ohio 43216-5000 United States Primary Point of Contact.: Brian S Maxwell Phone: 614-692-1067 Fax: 614-692-6925