Natural resources & conservation services
541 -- Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services/541620 -- Environmental Consulting Services
Prepare a Draft Environmental Assessment and associated documents for the Gospel Hump Wilderness Weed Treatment. It is anticipated that this contract will utilize the adjacent Selway-Bitterroot and Frank Church River of No Return wilderness areas weed management plans and associated Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) resulting from recent analysis and decisions to support a weed management plan specific to the Gospel Hump Wilderness area.
Work shall include meeting with the Forest Service to assess work details and define project work schedule; including writing/editing draft: (1) a purpose and need statement, (2) scoping letter, (3) Environmental Analysis Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 4 (including proposed action, references, appendices and compiling/editing the project record), (4) wilderness minimum tool assessment, and (5) Biological Assessment/Biological evaluation documentation.
It is anticipated that an Invasive Plant/Natural Resource Specialist (Weed Specialist) in addition or combined with a writer/editor familiar with natural resources will be necessary.
Invasive species inventories are limited for the Gospel Hump Wilderness area with no immediate funding or opportunity to collect and provide additional data. The limited available inventory is primarily available in field notes and is not reliably mapped or available through a database. The inventory exists only for a few areas within the Gospel Hump Wilderness. Successful completion of this project will rely on local knowledge and experience with the ecotypes and invasive species found in the Gospel Hump Wilderness area; as well as known, acceptable physical, biological and chemical treatment strategies for regional wilderness areas.
The solicitation will be issued August 6, 2014.
The performance period for the project is approximately September 15, 2014 through May 15, 2015
All questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to Donna Crawford - Contracting Officer. Her contact information is as follows: dzcrawford@fs.fed.us; 406-758-5315; FAX: 406-758-5326. A secondary point of contact is: Tina Mainey, tmainey@fs.fed.us; 406-329-3845; FAX: 406-329-3876. Karen Ruklic posted the notice due to website limitations but is otherwise unassociated with the procurement.
Contracting Office Address:
3815 Schreiber Way
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83815-8363
United States
Place of Performance:
Nez Perce-Clearwater NFs
104 Airport Road
Grangeville, Idaho 83530
United States
Primary Point of Contact.:
Karen Ruklic
Phone: 208-983-5144
Fax: 208-983-4098