PUMP HOUSE SUPPORTS REPAIR NEEDEDhttps://www.fbo.gov/spg/USAF/PAF/354CONS/FA5004-18-B-C008/listing.html
Maintenance, repair, and alteration of real property NAICS Code: 237 -- Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction/237990 -- Other Heavy and Civil Engineering Construction The work consists of removing and replacing all non-conforming, defective, and weathered away structural concrete and rebar on the concrete columns supporting the Cooling Pond Pump House in the cooling pond serving the Central Heat & Power Plant at Eielson AFB. Repairs shall be made without lowering the natural water level of the pond. Repaired concrete shall be given a waterproof epoxy coating. Contracting Office Address: 2310 Central Ave Eielson AFB, Alaska 99702 United States Place of Performance: Eielson AFB, Alaska 99702 United States Primary Point of Contact.: Robert J. Bolcavge robert.bolcavage@us.af.mil Phone: 9073771635 Secondary Point of Contact: Rachel Oldfield, CONTRACT SPECIALIST rachel.oldfield@us.af.mil Phone: 9073773506 Fax: 9073772441