BOWL, FILTER DFARS 252.225-7036 ALTERNATE I, BUY AMERICAN--FREE TRADE AGREEMENTS--BALANCE OF PAYMENTS PROGRAM, APPLIES. 5V361 SPE4A515M6113 6.000 1279.00000 20150527 1Y249 SPE4A514M1009 10.000 864.37000 20131106 1Y249 SPM7A507M0032P00001 53.000 657.59000 20061030 99167 N0038393GM111UBWE 46.000 345.46000 19970318 99167 N0038393GM111UBGQ 52.000 437.17000 19960415 99167 N0038393GM111UBT4 33.000 459.34000 19951115 99167 N0038393GM111UB9R 17.000 413.34000 19950424 99167 N0038385G5002UB1N 200.000 162.12000 19850614 This solicitation is being issued under the First Destination Transportation (FDT) program. If this acquisition is for Foreign Military Sales (FMS) or has an APO/FPO ship-to address, FDT will not apply and normal procedures should be followed. For FDT program transportation requirements, see DLAD clauses 52.247-9059 F.O.B. Origin, Government Arranged Transportation and 52.247-9058, First Destination Transportation (FDT) Program – Shipments Originating Outside the contiguous United States (OCONUS).