Trade Leads

Electric Wire &Power & Distribution Equipment Needed
NSN 1H-6150-015530487, TDP VER 008, REF NR 1220-600-001, QTY 3 EA, DELIVERY FOB ORIGIN. This part must be acquired from a manufacturing source(s) specified on asource control or selected item drawing as defined by the current version of DoD-STD-100. Suitable technical data, Government data rights, or manufacturing knowledge are not available to permit acquisition from other sources Contracting Office Address: DLA MARITIME - MECHANICSBURG, DLR PROCUREMENT OPS DLA-ZI, P. O. BOX 2020, 5450 CARLISLE PIKE, MECHANICSBURG, PA 17055-0788 Point of Contact(s): ADRIENNE HAWKINS, ZIB7, PHONE (717)605-4436, FAX (717)605-2764, EMAIL ADRIENNE.HAWKINS@DLA.MIL